Innovation is always underway

The First
The Best
The KE
Korea Expert started as Korea's first rule engine specialist company and has focused on developing data analysis capabilities and developing its own solutions and providing services to build a decision support system based on big data analysis in various industries.
Based on proven technology, know-how, and experience accumulated over a long period of time, we are developing into a group of IT service experts by focusing on new businesses encompassing security/authentication, cloud, and DT.

저희 코리아엑스퍼트는 95년 설립 이후 Rule 전문기업에서 빅데이터, AI 기업으로 의사결정 업무에
고객비즈니스의 자동화, 효율성을 높이고자 연구하고 성장해왔습니다.
오랜 경험과 노하우의 단단함을 토대로, 더 높이, 더 멀리, 더 안정적인 성장을 위해 도전과 열정으로 노력하면서 우리가 만든 생각과 기술, 그리고 서비스로 세상을 변화시키고 있음에 자부심을 느끼고 있습니다.
코리아엑스퍼트는 쌓아온 역량과 새로운 세대교체의 열정으로 2023년 회사 브랜드를 ' THE KE '로 전환하여 새로운 혁명시대의 대표주자가 되고자 합니다.
의사결정시스템 외에도 검증된 기술력으로 디지털전환 및 데이터 산업영역까지 포괄하여 AI , 빅데이터, 클라우드 및 신기술이 기업/고객 서비스에 잘 융합하여 사람을 위한 시스템과 서비스로 연결될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
언제든 함께 할 수 있는 기업, 코리아엑스퍼트는 오늘도 미래를 위해 도전하겠습니다.
CEO Message

Since our establishment in 1995, Korea Expert has been researching and growing from a rule specialist company to a big data and AI company to improve the automation and efficiency of customer business in decision-making.
Based on the solidity of our long experience and know-how, we are proud of changing the world with our thoughts, technology, and services while working with challenge and passion to grow higher, further, and more stably. Korea Expert plans to become a representative of the new revolutionary era by changing the company brand to 'THE KE' in 2023 with its accumulated capabilities and passion for new generation change.
In addition to decision-making systems, we will strive to integrate digital transformation and data industry areas with proven technology to integrate AI, big data, cloud, and new technologies into corporate/customer services and connect them to systems and services for people.
Korea Expert, a company you can work with at any time, will continue to take on challenges for the future today.

Koreaexpert CEO

Launch of API Gateway management platform “AMP (API Management Platform)”
Received the Minister of SMEs and Startups Award at the 9th Korea Big Data Awards (NexS³-SML)
2021 Inauguration of new CEO Yoo In-ji
2021 Korea Consumer Award (Global Best Brand Category - IRUKEY)
Launch of electronic signature simple authentication PKID
Selected as a Paas-TA specialized company
Smart AutoML solution “ NexS³ -SML” launched
Acquired family-friendly business certification
IRUKEY “Registered for Nara Market general shopping mall procurement”
IRUKEY, a simple authentication solution based on disposable ID, acquired GS certification
2016 Korea Excellent Company Security Solution Award (Money Today)
2011~ 2015
Launch of OTID, a simple authentication solution based on disposable ID
Announcement of “iArgos™ 4.0,” a big data-based internal information leakage analysis and integrated monitoring system
2015 New Growth Engine Management Award (Maekyung Media Group)
Announcement of internal information leakage analysis and integrated monitoring system “iArgos™ v3.0”
Seonyudo office building relocation
Announcement of insurance professional screening system “NexS³-EUS v2.0”
Announcement of credit strategy operation system “NexS³-CSS v3.0”
2006~ 2010
Intelligent internal information leakage analysis and control system “iArgos™ v2.0” acquired GS certification
Selected as an ISO 9001 certified company
Selected as a corporate research cluster institution
Announcement of credit screening strategic operation system “NexS³-CSS v2.0”
Insurance fraud prevention system “NexS³-IFDS v2.0” acquired GS certification
Announcement of anti-money laundering system “NexS³-AML”
Insurance fraud prevention system NexS³-IFDS v1.0 launched
Launch of iArgos™ v1.0, an intelligent internal information leakage analysis and control system
Launch of NexS³-EUS, insurance professional review strategic operation system
2001~ 2005
Product system framework NexPF v1.0 released
Launch of Smart Procurement system NexPro
2004 Intelligence Awards Intelligent System Category Award (Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society)
Selected as HIT product in the first half of 2004 (Electronic Newspaper)
Next-generation decision automation framework NexS³ launched
Received the 2003 Digital Innovation Award from the Korea Software Promotion Agency Director (hosted by Hankook Ilbo)
Company name changed to Korea Expert Co., Ltd.
US HNC/Blaze merged with Fair Isaac (FICO)
American Blaze Software merged with HNC
1995~ 2000
Development of real-time log analysis solution “Log@Analyzer”
Intelligent e-commerce development solution “Smart Shopper“ product announcement
Intelligent internet call center solution “Smart Call“ product announcement
Establishment of an affiliated research center certified by the Korea Industrial Technology Association
Neuron Data changes its name to Blaze Software
Signed a domestic Sole Distributor contract with Neuron Data in the U.S.
Establishment of Korea Expert Co., Ltd.

Wings of Change
Corporate Identity

The migratory bird that flaps its wings at the front moves forward against the air current for the sake of its companions, while the migratory bird behind comes forward and takes turns taking the lead, sharing each other's pain.
It contains the meaning that everyone who leads THE KE wants to move toward the best by supporting each other as team members and leaders.

Way to come
#1207, Seonyudo Kolon Digital Tower, 21 Yangpyeong-ro 22-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul
Tel. 02-782-5200