Bigdata & AI
Data Mart · Analytics · Auto-ML · MLOps · Visualization & Consulting

Big data & AI on a different level
How do we efficiently collect and manage complex and diverse data?
How do we integrate/utilize data? Are you lacking the capabilities or experts to implement digital innovation?
Korea Expert understands customer difficulties and presents solutions.
We are with you through all processes of big data & AI.
We support the entire process from initial data acquisition consulting to analysis, modeling, MLOps, and visualization.
Data Collection / Data Lake Implementation
We collect/manage data of various types and environments, process it into a form for analysis, and form a data lake.
Machine Learning
We develop machine learning models according to the characteristics and purpose of the data and manage the entire life cycle.
We create reproduced data without personal information that takes advantage of the characteristics of raw data and use it as learning data when data is insufficient.
We provide quick and flexible support from data management to ML model development, testing, deployment, and service operation.
We develop data analysis services including text mining and image analysis through various analysis automation tools.
We use a variety of tools to help users easily and comfortably analyze/understand data status, system operation monitoring, and selective control.
Solution line up